Your Orthodontists in South Charlotte

Koerich Orthodontics, nestled in the heart of South Charlotte, is a leading orthodontic practice dedicated to providing exceptional care. Under the guidance of Dr. Lindsey Koerich and Dr. Leo Koerich, our practice specializes in creating beautiful, healthy smiles through personalized and advanced orthodontic solutions. We are committed to utilizing the latest technologies and techniques to ensure the best outcomes for our patients.

Dr. Lindsey Koerich

Meet Dr. Lindsey

Hey, friends! My name is Dr. Lindsey Koerich, and I’m one of the doctors here at Koerich Orthodontics. Thank you for visiting!

I grew up in the little town of Granite Falls, which is close to Hickory, North Carolina.

From Granite Falls, I went on to get my bachelor of science degree and dental degree in Chapel Hill at the University of North Carolina, and then onto New York for part of my post-graduate education at Columbia University.

Dr. Leo Koerich

Meet Dr. Leo

Hi folks! My name is Dr. Leonardo “Leo” Koerich, and I am one of the doctors at Koerich Orthodontics.

I grew up in the southern part of Brazil, in a city called FlorianĂłpolis with a large, very close family all living pretty close by.

I would never have thought that I would be the one in my family to leave the country and end up in North Carolina, but life takes us on some unexpected journeys sometimes, especially when you meet a special person!

Understanding the Orthodontist Advantage

Orthodontists and dentists both play vital roles in maintaining oral health, but when it comes to straightening teeth, the specialized training of an orthodontist is indispensable. Orthodontists, like Dr. Lindsey Koerich and Dr. Leo Koerich, undergo additional years of education focused exclusively on diagnosing, preventing, and treating dental and facial irregularities. This expertise enables them to develop comprehensive treatment plans that address both aesthetic concerns and functional issues, ensuring optimal results for your smile.

How To Prevent White Spots

The Transformative Benefits of Orthodontic Treatment

Orthodontic treatment offers a wide range of benefits that extend far beyond the cosmetic:

Physical Health Benefits:

  • Improved Oral Hygiene: Straight teeth are easier to clean, reducing the risk of gum disease and tooth decay.
  • Enhanced Functionality: Properly aligned teeth and jaws can alleviate issues related to chewing, speaking, and even breathing, contributing to overall well-being.
  • Decreased Wear and Tear: Correct alignment minimizes abnormal wear on teeth, protecting them from damage.

Mental and Personal Benefits:

  • Boosted Self-Esteem: A confident smile can significantly enhance your self-image, impacting personal relationships and daily interactions positively.
  • Reduced Anxiety: Addressing dental issues can lead to decreased social anxiety, allowing for more confident and comfortable interactions.
Braces Charlotte

Social and Professional Benefits:

  • Improved First Impressions: A beautiful smile can leave a lasting impression, often associated with health, vitality, and confidence.
  • Career Advancement: Aesthetic smiles are perceived as more attractive, potentially facilitating greater professional opportunities and success.

Begin Your Journey to a Perfect Smile

Are you ready to unlock the countless benefits of a beautiful, healthy smile with South Charlotte's premier orthodontists? Contact us at Koerich Orthodontics today to schedule your free consultation with Dr. Lindsey Koerich and Dr. Leo Koerich. Let us guide you on your journey to achieving the smile you've always dreamed of and the confidence that comes with it.